Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Examples of computer generated textures and patterns

If machines are good at one thing, it is making boring and repetitive things easier and/or for us, Who would have thought that this applies to art as well?

The use of computers in the arts is almost mandatory nowadays, and the tools they provide us help us make things that would have taken great amounts of time and effort to make with traditional methods.
A good example of this is pattern work, some patterns can be made with equations, like fractals, while other can be made in imaging software, like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.

Examples of computer generated infographics

They come in many different sizes, themes and colours, they inform in a graphic way, they are infographics. A fun thing to look at and read, maybe not so much to make, but hey, someone's gotta do it. 

Examples of Computer generated 3D work

The wonders of digital sculpture! A whole world of possibilities lay right behind the screen, from moviemaking to 3D printing, making figures out of thin air (And several combinations of numbers) has been one of the most innovative art-related inventions of the last few decades.

These virtual tools have all the good stuff from traditional sculpture and modelling, and  also benefit from the advantage of immediate and consequence-free correction, re-making and re-adjusting that you would expect from any piece of software.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015


... There were these logos, you know, the Apple, Adidas and MTV ones?

Gone too.

And the Logos we made with our initials!

Yep, gone.

We also did a handful of Illustrator excercises...

Those should be fine, I copied them into your usb drive once, I think it was called "dansdoneitmate" or something close to that.

Almost forgot! We did a collage with the stufffrom when we walked around the harbourside, but that was on photoshop.

Remember that time we did like, animal lineart on illustrator?

Yeah, me too, but the college computers don't!